Before we get into how exactly Rory is starting the downswing and moving through impact, we have to decide is the golf swing a lead side lead movement or a trailside lead movement. Well what I can tell you is both side of your body are actually used extensively in the downswing. But for todays analysis, we are going to focus on the trail side.
How Does Rory McIlroy Use the Trail Side to Get to the Lead Side?
When analyzing Rory’s swing, it becomes apparent that the movement of his lead side is pivotal. Working in conjunction with his lead side, his trailing ankle rotates towards the outside, facilitating the transfer of weight and pressure to the lead side. This enables him to effectively harness the generated swing speed. He actively engages both sides of his body to initiate the downswing, launching upwards from the ground. Many amateur golfers struggle with transitioning from their trailing side to their lead side, leading to inconsistencies in their low point. An inconsistent low point can pose significant challenges in the game of golf. For a more comprehensive explanation, feel free to watch our detailed video below!