Around The World Putting Drill

Putting is probably the most underrated part of the game, with the greatest impact on our scores. Most amateurs will say that they never practice putting or rarely do. But why is that? I get it; going to the range and seeing the ball flying in the air and feeling that sweet feeling of compression is great, but if the fastest way to improve our scores is with the flat stick, then why wouldn’t we want to improve it? Today, we’re going to talk about one of the best drills when it comes to making those short putts.

What Is The Around The World Drill?

The around-the-world putting drill is well-known in the golfing world. It can be done and set up in many ways, but the way that we like to do it gives it the perfect amount of difficulty that will make it hard enough to improve your putting.


To set up the around-the-world drill, you will need twelve tees and twelve golf balls. These twelve tees will be placed in four separate lines around the whole, giving you a putt entering from four different directions. These tees will be placed at 3 feet, 4 feet, and 5 feet. A diagram can be seen below.

How To Do The Drill

Now that you have the drill setup, there will be three different iterations of the drill, progressing from easiest to hardest.

  • Level 1: Your goal will be just to make all twelve putts. If you miss one of the twelve putts, you should continue putting it in that spot until you make it.
  • Level 2: If you can complete level 1, then you can move on to level 2, which involves making all twelve putts in a row. If you miss any putts, you must go back to the first putt and repeat the process until making all twelve.
  • Level 3: This drill’s final and most difficult iteration really pours both the consistency and pressure on. Not only will you make all 12 of the putts in a row, but you will also make all 12 putts in a row ten times. This will equal out to when it is all said and done, making 120 putts in a row. If you were to make it to the 119th putt and miss, then unfortunately, you would need to go back to step one and start over again.

Closing Remarks

Listen, I know practicing putting can be monotonous and difficult, but with it being such an important part of the game, there’s no reason that we, as golfers, should be neglecting it. With the around-the-world drill, you are getting the consistency and pressure you need to start improving your stroke and the ability to make putts when needed. Trust me, when you start getting to that 80th putt and that 100th putt, and all the way to that 119th putt, you’re going to start feeling those nerves, but once you are able to make that last putt, you will know that you are coming out a better putter.

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